
The Goodman Spectroscopic Data Reduction Pipeline - The Goodman Pipeline - is a Python-based package for producing science-ready, wavelength-calibrated, 1-D spectra. The goal of The Goodman Pipeline is to provide SOAR users with an easy to use, very well documented software for reducing spectra obtained with the Goodman High Troughput Spectrograph. Though the current implementation assumes offline data reduction, our aim is to provide the capability to run it in real time, so 1-D wavelength calibrated spectra can be produced shortly after the shutter closes.

The pipeline is primarily intended to be run on a data reduction dedicated computer though it is available for local installation. The Goodman Spectroscopic Pipeline project is hosted at GitHub at it’s GitHub Repository.

Instructions for running the software are provided in the Usage section of this guide. How to access the the data reduction server is on Setup for Remote Use or if you prefer to install a local version instructions are in Install

Currently the pipeline is separated into two main components. The initial processing is done by redccd, which does the following processess.

  • Identifies calibrations and science frames.

  • Create master bias.

  • Creates master flats and normalizes it.

  • Apply overscan correction.

  • Trims the image.

  • For spectroscopic data find slit edges and trims again.

  • Applies bias correction.

  • Applies flat correction.

  • Applies cosmic ray removal.

The spectroscopic processing is done by redspec and carries out the following steps:

  • Identifies point-source targets.

  • Traces the spectra.

  • Extracts the spectra.

  • Estimates and subtract background.

  • Saves extracted (1D) spectra, without wavelength calibration.

  • Finds the wavelength solution.

  • Linearizes data (resample)

  • Writes the wavelength solution to FITS header

  • Creates a new file for the wavelength-calibrated 1D spectrum